A credit report is a track record of both your personal and financial credit information, which includes information taken from public records, personal identification and debt-information.Back to questions
There are 3 major credit bureaus: Equifax, Transunion and Experian.Back to questions
Each one of the three major credit bureaus will reflect at least one-third of your total credit history. If you are requesting a credit card, someone can look at your Equifax report and find nothing that would keep the credit card company from issuing you the card. However, they might also look at your other reports, Transunion and Experian, and find flaws in your credit file. That's why it is extremely important to use a credit repair service that repairs not one, but all three of your bureaus.Back to questions
Even though each situation is different, we generally tell all of our clients that they can expect results within 45 to 60 days, but to complete the service, it can take up to 6 months in some cases. Credit repair is a process and, although we work quickly to repair your credit, we can only move at the credit reporting agencies, courthouses and creditors' pace. Back to questions
There is no definite answer. We provide you with up to 6 months of service to ensure that you receive the highest quality of results. We typically suggest that you will receive your reports within 60 days of signing up. If you do not, you can always contact a representative or email us for an update of your service. Back to questions
Unfortunately, the credit reporting system just doesn't work that way. When you pay your debt, the negative credit listing doesn't disappear. There is little difference between a paid negative item on your credit report, or an unpaid one. In most cases, you won't get much further by paying the old debt. We can recommend a debt negotiation service to help you in that situation... simply ask your representative. Back to questions
Our credit service specialists are the only ones who will see your credit reports. Back to questions
Once we have your credit reports, we dispute the credit reporting agencies, courthouse and creditors or lenders on your behalf. Any information the agencies or creditors cannot verify is removed. Any dispute not responded to within the allowed response time is removed. After we dispute your negative credit, a new copy of your credit report will be sent to your address showing any deletions or improvements. When you receive your new copy, you'll send us the updated version of your credit report, so we can continue disputing the remaining negative items. Any accurate and verifiable information will remain on the credit report. All too often, disputed credit items cannot be verified or, in many instances, the creditor will not respond to our dispute due to our approach and the negative item is removed. Back to questions
Disputing your credit report is your right according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act and FACT act. Credit repair is a completely legal and necessary service. We hold the credit reporting agencies accountable. Simple as that. Back to questions
Yes, our methods of disputing have proven to remove any type of late payment whether it is 30, 60, 90 or 120 days late. We see more late payments being removed than any other negative item. Back to questions
Yes, they can be removed. Back to questions
We generally tell our clients they shouldn't expect their bankruptcy to be removed, simply because bankruptcies are public records, and tend to be in most cases the most difficult to remove if they are still within 7 years old. Ask your representative for details. Our advice is, if you have a bankruptcy on your credit record, you still will benefit greatly from our service due to the removal of so many other negative items on your report. However, please understand there is no way to guarantee the removal of such a serious public record—no one can. Any company or individual who promises to remove your bankruptcy (assuming it is recent and has not legally expired) is not being honest with you. We understand and practice every legal method possible. Back to questions